About Fazeday
Fazeday is a new social network with YOU in charge!
The goal of Fazeday is to provide you with a social media where you own your content,
feel free to create your profile content as you wish and be assured your private information is secure.
Neutral ground!
Fazeday is a 100% politically neutral and non-biassed social media.
We do not interfere in your views and your right to express them.
We protect your privacy!
Everything you share and upload on Fazeday belongs to you
and we do not take ownership hereof.
We don't share your informations with any 3rd party,
not even for commercial purposes.
If you choose to delete your profile on Fazeday all your content and information
is permanently erased.
No scams and spam!
Fazeday does not tolerate scams, abuse of celebreties for marketing purposes or fake clickbaits.
Nor do we allow links to information harvesting robots.
We offer real and human support.
If you have any comments, issues or questions please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.